8K Realistic baby images are a service that is done after your 5D ultrasound service is performed. It is post-processing that is offered to accompany our already amazing 5D ultrasound images. This gives you hyper-realistic images of your baby before birth. After your 5D ultrasound is done, a select few of your images are sent out to artists who make detailed alterations to the best image sent, all by hand digitally.
Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique provides these artists with the best possible images of your baby. They then smooth, pigment and texturize the best image possible from those sent to them by our facility.
Seeing your baby in these amazing “life-like” images promotes even more bonding and excitement for the whole family. Using the latest technology, Being able to really visualize your baby’s appearance with extra realism. These images will provide even more clarity to our already awesome 4D/5D ultrasounds.
This service is best done at 27 weeks or more when your baby’s features are much more apparent…highlighting baby’s little button nose and adorable cheeks!
Peeping Moms Ultrasound offers a package specifically for this service that provides our families with a 30-minute 5D ultrasound service as well as 1 real baby 8K image.