
Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique

Round Ligament Pain

As a woman progresses through pregnancy, her body undergoes a multitude of changes to accommodate the growing baby inside her. One of the most common complaints that pregnant women experience is round ligament pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore what it is, what causes it, and how to manage it during pregnancy.

What is It?

The round ligament is a band of tissue that supports the uterus and connects it to the groin. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, the round ligament stretches and can cause discomfort in the lower abdomen or groin. It is commonly known as round ligament pain and can vary in severity from woman to woman.

What Causes It?

Round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy and is caused by the stretching and pulling of the ligament as the uterus grows. As the baby grows and puts more pressure on the ligament, it can cause sharp or stabbing pain on one or both sides of the lower abdomen or groin. Certain movements such as rolling over in bed or standing up quickly can also trigger round ligament pain.

Ways to Manage It

Fortunately, there are several ways to manage round ligament pain during pregnancy. Here are some tips:

  1. Practice good posture: Maintaining good posture can help ease pressure on the round ligament and reduce discomfort.
  2. Avoid sudden movements: Slow and steady movements can help reduce the risk of sudden, sharp pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. Use support: Wearing a maternity belt or supportive clothing can help alleviate discomfort by providing additional support to the uterus.
  4. Exercise regularly: Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can help improve flexibility and reduce it.
  5. Apply heat: Applying a warm compress to the lower abdomen or taking a warm bath can help soothe round ligament pain.

Looking for other ways to relieve round ligament pain? Check out this blog by Mama Natural.

When to Call a Doctor

In most cases, round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy and is not a cause for concern. However, if you experience severe or persistent pain, fever, chills, or vaginal bleeding, it is important to contact your doctor immediately. These symptoms could be signs of a more serious condition, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

In conclusion, although it can be uncomfortable, there are several ways to manage and alleviate discomfort. Remember to speak with your healthcare provider if you experience any concerning symptoms or have questions about managing round ligament pain.

Other Resources

We understand that the physical changes that occur during pregnancy can take a toll on the mind. To help put mamas at ease, we recommend scheduling an 2D Anxious Mama appointment with Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique.