
Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique

9 Weeks Pregnant

During the 9th week of pregnancy, your baby’s growth and development continue to progress rapidly. Here are some key aspects of your baby’s growth during this stage:

  1. Size and Appearance: At 9 weeks, your baby is growing quickly and measures around 0.9 to 1 inch (2.3 to 2.5 centimeters) in length. They are roughly the size of a cherry or a grape. While still small, your baby’s body is becoming more defined, with the head comprising a significant portion of their overall size.
  2. Facial Features: Your baby’s facial features are becoming more refined and recognizable. Their eyes, which were initially on the sides of the head, are gradually moving closer together. The eyelids are developing, covering the eyes and protecting them. The nose, lips, and ears are becoming more distinct as well.
  3. Limb Development: At 9 weeks, your baby’s limbs continue to grow and become more proportionate. Their arms and legs are elongating, and the hands and feet are taking shape. Fingers and toes are more defined, with separate digits now clearly visible.
  4. Organ Development: The major organs have formed by this stage, and they are beginning to function. The heart is fully developed and beating at a rapid pace. The liver and pancreas are producing essential hormones, while the kidneys are functioning and starting to produce urine. The intestines are also growing and starting to move into the abdominal cavity.
  5. Muscular Movements: Your baby’s muscles are developing further, allowing them to make more purposeful movements. While these movements are still small and uncoordinated, your baby may be seen flexing their limbs or even making small kicks during an ultrasound, although you may not feel them yet.
  6. Facial Expressions: The facial muscles are becoming more refined, allowing your baby to make various facial expressions. While you can’t see them yet, your baby may be practicing their cute smiles or grimaces.
  7. Bones and Cartilage: Your baby’s bones are continuing to ossify (harden), although they are still quite soft and pliable. Cartilage is present in many parts of their body, allowing for growth and flexibility.
  8. External Genitalia Development: During the 9th week, your baby’s external genitalia are forming, but it may still be too early to determine their sex via ultrasound. The development of male and female genitalia follows a similar pattern until around week 12.

Remember that each pregnancy is unique, and these milestones are approximate. If you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s growth or development, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and reassurance.

Fun Facts at 9 Weeks Gestation

  1. Sex Differentiation: While the external genitalia may not be visible yet, the fetus’s sex has already been determined at the chromosomal level.
  2. Unique Fingertips: The fetus’s fingers are growing and developing unique fingerprints, which will remain the same throughout their life.
  3. Webbed Toes: The toes of the fetus are still webbed together at this stage, and they will gradually separate as the pregnancy progresses.
  4. Hearing Begins: The tiny structures of the inner ear start to develop, marking the beginning of the baby’s ability to detect sounds, even though they are still surrounded by amniotic fluid.

9 Week Ultrasound at Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique


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8 Weeks Pregnant

At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby continues to grow and develop at a remarkable pace. Here are some key aspects of your baby’s growth during this stage:

  1. Size and Appearance: At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby has grown to around 0.6 to 0.7 inches (1.6 to 1.8 centimeters) in length. They are roughly the size of a raspberry or a small grape. Although still tiny, your baby is starting to take on a more human-like appearance. The head is becoming more rounded, and the facial features continue to develop.
  2. Organ Development: By 8 weeks, most of your baby’s major organs have begun to form. The heart, which started beating at around 6 weeks, is now fully divided into its four chambers. The lungs, liver, and kidneys are continuing to mature and develop. The digestive system is also developing, with the intestines beginning to lengthen and loop.
  3. Limb Development: Your baby’s limb buds, which formed earlier, are now growing and becoming more defined. Fingers and toes continue to develop and separate, and small nails may start to appear. Your baby’s arms and legs are also becoming more proportional to their body.
  4. Facial Features: At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby’s facial features are becoming more distinct. The eyes, which initially formed as dark spots, are gradually moving closer together. The nose, mouth, and lips are developing, and tiny ear structures are forming on the sides of the head.
  5. Brain and Nervous System: The brain is rapidly developing and becoming more complex. Neural connections are forming, allowing your baby’s brain to communicate with different parts of their body. The spinal cord, which is a crucial part of the nervous system, is also developing further.
  6. Movement: Although you won’t be able to feel it yet, your baby’s tiny muscles are starting to allow for spontaneous movements. However, these movements are still uncoordinated and may not be visible during an ultrasound.
  7. Placenta and Amniotic Sac: The placenta, which nourishes and supports your baby, continues to grow and provide vital nutrients. The amniotic sac, filled with amniotic fluid, surrounds your baby, protecting them and providing an environment for their growth and development.

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace, and these milestones are approximate. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s growth or development, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and reassurance.

Fun Facts about the 8th Week of Pregnancy

  1. Baby’s Fingernails Start to Form: At around 8 weeks, your baby’s tiny fingernails begin to develop. Although they are still quite small and not fully formed, it’s fascinating to think about those tiny nails taking shape.
  2. Baby’s Taste Buds Begin to Develop: Your baby’s taste buds start forming around the 8th week of pregnancy. While they won’t be enjoying a gourmet meal just yet, it’s amazing to think about their taste preferences beginning to develop so early.
  3. Rapid Brain Development: The 8th week is a period of significant brain development for your baby. The neural connections are rapidly forming, laying the foundation for their future cognitive abilities.
  4. Facial Expressions in the Making: While it may be too early to detect facial expressions on an ultrasound, your baby’s facial muscles are starting to develop around the 8th week. These muscles will eventually allow your baby to make adorable smiles and other facial expressions.
  5. Hiccups May Begin: Some mothers report feeling gentle rhythmic movements around the 8th week, which may be the beginning of fetal hiccups. It’s a charming and sometimes ticklish sensation that shows your baby’s developing reflexes.

8 Week Ultrasound at Peeping Mom Ultrasound Boutique



Tampa’s Best 3D Ultrasound Clinic

Are you an expectant mother in Tampa, looking for the best 3D ultrasound service to capture stunning images of your baby? Look no further than Peeping Moms Ultrasound! Our top-rated clinic provides affordable and high-quality 3D ultrasound services to help you bond with your baby and cherish this special time.

At Peeping Moms Ultrasound, we understand the importance of capturing the most realistic 3D ultrasound images possible. That’s why we use state-of-the-art ultrasound technology and employ experienced technicians who are skilled in obtaining clear and detailed images of your baby.

Wondering about the cost of a 3D ultrasound in Tampa? Peeping Moms Ultrasound offers affordable pricing options to fit any budget. Our packages include a variety of services, such as gender determination, photo prints, and digital copies of your ultrasound images.

Preparing for your 3D ultrasound appointment in Tampa is easy with Peeping Moms Ultrasound. We provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for your appointment, including tips on what to eat and drink before your ultrasound to help optimize image quality.

But what are the benefits of a 3D ultrasound for expectant mothers in Tampa? Here are just a few:

  • Bonding with your baby: A 3D ultrasound allows you to see your baby’s features and movements in amazing detail, helping you feel more connected to your little one.
  • Gender determination: If you can’t wait to find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl, a 3D ultrasound can reveal your baby’s gender as early as 14 weeks.
  • Early detection of potential issues: A 3D ultrasound can help detect potential issues with your baby’s development earlier than traditional 2D ultrasounds, allowing you and your healthcare provider to plan for any necessary interventions.

At Peeping Moms Ultrasound, we specialize in 3D ultrasound for high-risk pregnancies in Tampa. Our experienced technicians work closely with your healthcare provider to provide accurate and detailed images that can help with diagnosis and treatment planning.

Are you ready to schedule your 3D ultrasound appointment with Peeping Moms Ultrasound in Tampa? Contact us today to learn more about our services and to book your appointment. We can’t wait to help you create lasting memories of this special time!

Call or Text us at (813)647-9099 or book your appointment online

Postpartum Preparation: How to Set Yourself Up for Success After Giving Birth

Image from Unsplash

Postpartum Preparation: How to Set Yourself Up for Success After Giving Birth

For many new moms, the anxiety of pregnancy begins after birth. After all, this is when the real work begins, from the endless feeding and sleeping to the significant bodily changes. This is referred to as the “4th trimester.” If you’re ready to educate yourself on this period of parenting, keep reading as Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique shares essential advice below.

Postpartum Social Anxiety

While most women know about postpartum depression, many underestimate the far-reaching effects of social anxiety. For many new moms, adjusting to motherhood can be a difficult and anxious time, making motherhood even more challenging. New moms can feel like they are constantly judged and not good enough. They may also worry about what other people think of them and their abilities as a mother. This can lead to avoiding social situations altogether, where interacting with others becomes a significant source of anxiety. Here’s how to combat this: 

  • Seek out social situations that are comfortable for you: Don’t force yourself to attend events that make you feel anxious.
  • Talk to other people about your anxiety: It can be helpful to share your experiences with others who understand what you’re going through.
  • Seek professional help: A therapist can help you develop coping skills and stress management strategies, especially if your anxiety is interfering with your ability to function in daily life.
  • Make more mom friends: Visiting with other moms or making new mom friends can be beneficial, as solitude tends to worsen social anxiety.
  • Invest in a Mommy Care Kit from Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique to give you the support and comfort you deserve!

Taking Time off Work

Taking time off from work after having a baby can be beneficial not only for the mother’s physical and emotional recovery, but also for her career in the long-term. Postpartum leaves provide mothers with vital time to rest and nurture their mental wellbeing while getting to know their new baby. It is also an important opportunity to establish healthy routines that set a strong foundation for the future. Investing in post-birth leave encourages a healthier bond between mother and child and increases morale among employees, leading to greater job satisfaction, improved productivity and better balance in life.

If you’re self-employed or a business owner, delegate some responsibilities and hire some part-time help. A qualified virtual assistant can take a lot of tasks off your plate. Just make sure that you leave explicit instructions and follow up every few days to make sure everything is going smoothly. 

Dealing With Physical Changes

The physical changes that come with childbirth aren’t often discussed but are a common experience for most women. As such, many new moms may be unprepared from a physical aspect for unexpected changes. For example, increased bust size due to pregnancy is widespread, as are cracked and bleeding nipples. In addition, the CDC reports that over 45% of women experience pregnancy weight gain, which can be hard to shake off. Discomfort from a C-section is also prevalent. Try to be prepared for these changes by understanding that they are normal and that all women go through them. Slowly recovering by giving your body time to heal can help you successfully deal with these changes. 

Finding the Perfect Nursing Bra

Don’t underestimate the power of quality nursing clothes that are comfy yet make you feel good. Finding options that offer great functionality for all your postpartum needs will be critical. That’s why a great nursing bra is an essential item in every new mom’s closet. For example, a comfortable and elegant nursing sports bra can be a game changer for new moms who are tired and overwhelmed. In fact, you can fold laundry, read, soothe your baby, or anything in between with a hands-free nursing bra. And no, you don’t need to make a trip to the store to get one. Purchase a few of these bras from online retailers like Amazon that offer maternity and postpartum virtual storefronts for an easy and comfortable shopping experience.

The 4th trimester is one of the most memorable times in a new mom’s life. You’re experiencing your baby for the first time while healing your body from its immense changes during pregnancy and childbirth. Take steps to deal with social anxiety and physical changes, take some time off work, and invest in a high-quality nursing bra. Be intentional about how you experience this process, and you will enjoy it all the more.

Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique is here to provide the resources that moms need to help them navigate through one of the most beautiful but challenging stages in their lives! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Blog written by Sarah Bull [email protected]

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness, also known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), affects many pregnant women during the first trimester. While it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life, there are several things that can help alleviate morning sickness during pregnancy. Here are some tips that can be helpful:

  1. Eat small, frequent meals: Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent nausea. Avoid skipping meals or going too long without eating.
  2. Avoid trigger foods: Certain foods can trigger nausea, such as spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Avoiding these foods can help reduce symptoms.
  3. Stay hydrated: Dehydration can make nausea worse, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Sipping on water, herbal tea, or electrolyte drinks can be helpful.
  4. Get plenty of rest: Fatigue can worsen morning sickness, so it’s important to get plenty of rest. Take naps if needed and try to establish a regular sleep schedule.
  5. Use aromatherapy: Certain scents can help alleviate nausea, such as ginger, peppermint, and lemon. You can try inhaling these scents or using essential oils.
  6. Try acupressure: Acupressure has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea. You can try applying pressure to the P6 point on your wrist, or wearing acupressure wristbands.
  7. Talk to your healthcare provider: If your morning sickness is severe or interfering with your daily life, talk to your healthcare provider. They may be able to prescribe medication or recommend other treatments.

In conclusion, while morning sickness during pregnancy can be uncomfortable, there are several things that can help alleviate symptoms. Eating small, frequent meals, avoiding trigger foods, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, using aromatherapy, trying acupressure, and talking to your healthcare provider can all be helpful in managing morning sickness.

For more morning sickness remedies, check out this blog by The Overwhelmed Mommy.

Round Ligament Pain

As a woman progresses through pregnancy, her body undergoes a multitude of changes to accommodate the growing baby inside her. One of the most common complaints that pregnant women experience is round ligament pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore what it is, what causes it, and how to manage it during pregnancy.

What is It?

The round ligament is a band of tissue that supports the uterus and connects it to the groin. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, the round ligament stretches and can cause discomfort in the lower abdomen or groin. It is commonly known as round ligament pain and can vary in severity from woman to woman.

What Causes It?

Round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy and is caused by the stretching and pulling of the ligament as the uterus grows. As the baby grows and puts more pressure on the ligament, it can cause sharp or stabbing pain on one or both sides of the lower abdomen or groin. Certain movements such as rolling over in bed or standing up quickly can also trigger round ligament pain.

Ways to Manage It

Fortunately, there are several ways to manage round ligament pain during pregnancy. Here are some tips:

  1. Practice good posture: Maintaining good posture can help ease pressure on the round ligament and reduce discomfort.
  2. Avoid sudden movements: Slow and steady movements can help reduce the risk of sudden, sharp pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. Use support: Wearing a maternity belt or supportive clothing can help alleviate discomfort by providing additional support to the uterus.
  4. Exercise regularly: Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can help improve flexibility and reduce it.
  5. Apply heat: Applying a warm compress to the lower abdomen or taking a warm bath can help soothe round ligament pain.

Looking for other ways to relieve round ligament pain? Check out this blog by Mama Natural.

When to Call a Doctor

In most cases, round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy and is not a cause for concern. However, if you experience severe or persistent pain, fever, chills, or vaginal bleeding, it is important to contact your doctor immediately. These symptoms could be signs of a more serious condition, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

In conclusion, although it can be uncomfortable, there are several ways to manage and alleviate discomfort. Remember to speak with your healthcare provider if you experience any concerning symptoms or have questions about managing round ligament pain.

Other Resources

We understand that the physical changes that occur during pregnancy can take a toll on the mind. To help put mamas at ease, we recommend scheduling an 2D Anxious Mama appointment with Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique.

Postpartum Diastasis Recti

Common Problem

One of the most common problems that can result from pregnancy is Diastasis Recti. We will refer to this throughout this reading as “DR.” DR is defined as the separation of the rectus abdominus muscles. You do not have to become pregnant to have DR. This can also be caused by weightlifting incorrectly or performing unsafe abdominal exercises. In those instances, you can prevent DR by bending at your knees to lift instead of your waist. DR affects roughly 60% of pregnant people. It can happen in the 3rd trimester and is especially more likely in pregnancy with multiples. It normally resolves itself within 8 weeks of birth, however, 40% of those with DR still have it by 6 months postpartum.

How to minimize Diastasis Recti

It can be minimized by wearing a belly band that will bring your abdominal muscles together. You should not wear this band for more than 2-3 hours at a time and you should not sleep in the band. Always check with your provider to make sure before wearing the band. A band is a compression garment and may not be a good option for clients with high blood pressure. Belly bands can also help clients who have an unhealed separation from a previous pregnancy. It is also recommended that pregnant clients roll to the side with a pillow between their knees to get out of bed, rather than sitting straight up from a supine position.


Complications from DR include lower back pain, constipation, urine leakage, painful intercourse, pelvic floor dysfunction, and hernia. Exercise is not contraindicated in pregnancy but working out safely is always recommended! Sometimes trainers recommend crunches, sit-ups, and yoga poses, such as downward dog poses for clients who have previously given birth without knowing they have a DR separation. It is important to be assessed postpartum by your provider so you can take the proper steps to heal your DR and use caution in the gym/at home when lifting other children.

What can be done?

If you have a DR and use a trainer at the gym, make sure they are familiar with DR! In the event you have a major separation, your provider may give you a referral for a surgery consultation. In most cases, being proactive in your postpartum period and wearing an abdominal binder and doing light core exercises will be enough to encourage your muscles back together. Always consult your provider before beginning any new exercise or wearing a support band. A band is a compression garment and may not be a good option for clients with high blood pressure. If you would like to test yourself for DR you can follow these instructions from The Cleveland Clinic. This information is not a replacement for medical care. Call your provider with any questions you have about healing your DR.

How do I test myself for diastasis recti?

You can test yourself for diastasis recti:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift your shoulders slightly off the ground, keeping one hand behind your head for support. Almost like you are doing a sit-up. Look down at your belly.
  • Move your other hand above your belly button area, palms down and fingers towards your toes.
  • Use your fingers to feel for a gap between the abs. See how many fingers can fit in the gap between your right and left abdominals.

If you feel a gap of two or more finger widths, discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. They should confirm diastasis recti with a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate care.

Check out all of the services and other information we have available through Peeping Moms Ultrasound Boutique!

Tampa Ultrasound


The Tampa Bay area is rapidly growing. To no surprise, there is an over abundance of younger families flocking to our beautiful climate and amazing attractions. Tampa is an amazing place to raise a family! I should know, we have chosen Tampa as our home to raise our girls. With the rapidly progression in population, there hasn’t been as much expansion in the OBGYN and Midwife scene. Our “big brands” of OBGYN care have opened more offices, but understaffing has plagued many of these offices. These issues trickle down to patients, who are now having to wait longer times to get in to see a provider.

How is Peeping Moms helping Tampa Moms?

Peeping Moms Ultrasound offers a safe, comfortable, professional, reliable, and affordable setting for expecting moms to take advantage of a unique clinic setting. Allowing the moms of Tampa, Riverview, Brandon & surrounding areas to check in on their baby. Offering services as early as 5 weeks, all the way until just prior to giving birth.

What type of ultrasound services are available?

Peeping Moms offers elective (non medical or fun) and diagnostic (medical) ultrasound services to the families of Tampa & surrounding areas.

How much is an elective ultrasound?

We have a variety of elective ultrasound services offered to our clients. Our elective ultrasounds (non medical) are offered starting at only $69 ranging into $179. The type of ultrasound you are looking for will depend on the pricing.

How much is a diagnostic ultrasound?

Our diagnostic ultrasound services cater to mostly “cash pay” clients. We are working on credentialing with insurance companies to accept insurance in the very near future. Our diagnostic prices are very competitive with those bigger brands surrounding Tampa. We offer diagnostic ultrasound services at a very reasonable price, starting at only $99.

Need ultrasound services for your patients?

Peeping Moms Ultrasound is open to helping the medical community of Tampa. We are here to offer our services in a safe, professional, and reliable atmosphere. For any questions, please contact Stormy at (813)647-9099 or at peepingmomsultrasoundboutique@bcleaves

Check out all of our services on our page

Paternity Testing

Paternity Test Vile with gloved hand
Paternity testing is now available at Peeping Moms Ultrasound in Riverview


Most families come to us with a joyous outlook on their pregnancy. We also know that there are some families that are going through some stressors and struggles with issues such as paternity. Peeping Moms Ultrasound can help with your legal and non-legal paternity testing. We can determine the paternity as early as 7 weeks gestation if you are pregnant, or after your child’s birth.

What is a Legal Paternity test?

A DNA paternity test compares a child’s DNA profile with that of the possible father to determine if there is a match. 

A legal paternity test is valuable because you can use the test results in court. Unlike the tests you can take at home, where the people tested can’t be legally identified. 

This test will give you THE answer, in a legal document.

Legal DNA paternity tests include verifying participant IDs, witnessed DNA collection by an approved and impartial party, and a strict chain-of-custody process. 

What is an At Home test?

If you want accurate paternity answers fast but don’t need results for legal reasons like child support or custody, then an at-home paternity test is right for you. A home DNA paternity test is for personal knowledge and peace of mind. This test will not stand up in a court of law. We offer these kits in our office for purchase.

NIPP – Non-invasive Paternity

You’ve just discovered you’re expecting. Did you know paternity testing while pregnant is possible, even as early as 7 weeks’ gestation

The Certainty™ Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test available exclusively through DDC is fast, accurate, and completely safe for both the mother and the pregnancy.

 It is THE ONLY AABB Accredited Prenatal Paternity test available!

Is it really possible to get a baby’s DNA from the mother’s blood sample?

Yes! Free-floating fetal DNA combines with the mother’s DNA by passing through the placenta into the mother’s bloodstream. The test is able to compare genetic data from the unborn child with the possible father’s genetic data to produce a probability of paternity.

Immigration DNA Testing

DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) has the most AABB-accredited facilities capable of processing immigration cases. The USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) recommends DNA testing to prove biological relationships for many who have submitted form I-130 (or others).

Immigration DNA testing has proven to help expedite the immigration-application approval process.

DDC makes the DNA testing portion of the immigration process simple for our clients. Our specialized Immigration Team has worked with immigration agencies, embassies, petitioners, and beneficiaries around the world for more than 20 years, so you can trust us with this important step.

Questions regarding our paternity testing?

Call or text (813)647-9099 or email [email protected]

Book your appointment online at http://www.peepingmomsultrasoundboutique.com

6 Week Ultrasound

We offer early pregnancy confirmation ultrasounds at Peeping Moms Ultrasound. Typically these scans are done in an OBGYN, Midwife or Ultrasound clinic during your first visit.

Sometimes it is hard to get into your OBGYN or Midwife in a timely manner. For this reason we offer early pregnancy ultrasounds to help give expecting moms that peace of mind.

6 week pregnancy 2D ultrasound showing fetal pole (baby), yolk sac & gestational sac
6 Week 1 day pregnancy ultrasound showing fetal pole (baby) & yolk sac

Do I need an order from my doctor?

Not for our Peeping Mom service. If you book our Peeping Mom service, we can provide you with peace of mind by showing you the development of what’s happening within the womb. This early pregnancy scan is perfect for expecting moms who want to see what’s going on inside of the womb at 6 weeks.

Diagnostic ultrasound services are available and would come with a report for your provider. Offering our diagnostic services in trans abdominal as well as trans vaginal. Our 1st trimester diagnostic ultrasound is only $99 for our cash pay clients.

What is seen on a 6 Weeks on Ultrasound?

  • Gestational Sac
  • Fetal Pole (Baby)
  • Baby’s heartbeat – using M-Mode – This is the safest way!
  • Yolk Sac
  • Number of babies

How big is my baby at 6 weeks?

Your baby is roughly 1/5 – 1/4 of an inch. That’s the size of a sweet pea. A Sonographer measures the baby by measuring from the crown to rump, also known as CRL or crown rump length. This is the most accurate way of dating pregnancy.

Check out this 6 week ultrasound on our YouTube channel!

Can I see a heartbeat on a 6 week ultrasound?

Yes! In most cases, we can see a baby or fetal pole’s heart beating on an ultrasound. A normal heart rate at 6 weeks pregnant is 90-110 beats per minute.

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Book your pregnancy confirmation today!